Thursday 26 May 2011

Spa break for the buffalos

Now this will make you laugh, last night we had just finished a hand smoked ham joint slow cooked in a Moroccan lentil soup. Feeling very smug with myself "i am the man, Jamie Oliver and Hugh fearnley Whittingstall combined" and very full we sat down to relax. Only to have the neighbour come to the door saying, "I've just seen your 2 large black water buffalo's running.. Really quite fast along the top road, they seem very excited". O shit, okay l have been playing farmers for 8 mouths now but only with animals behind fences, how the hell do you find and get them to come home? So we jumped in the land rover and raced off towards last siting, being such large animals it wasn't to difficult to spot these two run down the lane towards Hartland point. Until they disappeared into a luxury spa holiday let garden. What a sight our girls on the lawn next to the washing lines.., now how do we get them home even out of this persons garden, with all the excitement they are very flighty charging up and down.

So to cut this story short as it's time for breakfast.. We managed to get them home, I wouldn't say with our skill.. They just run off with us trying to catch up with them in the land rover .. And went home..

But how did they get out? was it the job l gave to Elvis to water the new grass seed?


"wasn't me Dad.."

Well there are very large foot prints in the new grass seed area ...


Big love the Griffin's

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